Growth v. Fixed Mindset

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Growth-v-FixedOur SAT-ACT Mastery prep differs in many ways from those run by franchises such as Kaplan and Princeton Review.

One of the bigger ways relates to the psychological shifting that occurs through our mini-motivational lectures. Explaining the Growth versus the Fixed Mindset in the context of test prep has been one of the lectures that seems to last with students. In quick summary, those with a growth mindset believe that success comes from their efforts. Those with a fixed mindset believe that success comes from their innate talents.

Of course, we all are a mix of the two.  But in relation to test prep, our students will sometimes start sessions by saying “I’m a bad test-taker.” We explain that they are untrained test takers and that I will train them to be better.  They nod but only believe after they have gone through our prep and then they believe.

Having this mindset is vitally important for students living anywhere but more so in places like Darien or New Canaan or anywhere in regions like Fairfield County, Connecticut where seemingly gifted kids abound.  The lesson to teach is that “gifted” when we are older usually means “someone who worked really hard.”